Minutes of meetings
MInutes of meetings
We are starting to set up an annual timetable of events. Latest information can be found here:
[Link to members’ calendar? (with importable url – a Google calendar is already set up)
Link to monthly-updated blog?
Link to work-parties calendar
Link to Facebook page]Upcoming/repeat events ?
Follow our Facebook Group and other socials to stay updated https://assets.zyrosite.com/meP38VkOPjCjxwOj/23.4.1-agm-minutes-final-YX41wQw78KuwqozB.pdf
Find minutes of last AGM here - https://assets.zyrosite.com/meP38VkOPjCjxwOj/23.4.1-agm-minutes-final-YX41wQw78KuwqozB.pdf
Monthly work-parties, sometimes jointly with other organisations, to help clear areas of overgrowth, clean and tidy, prune and cut back, remove weeds and overhanging branches - always making sure that wildlife habitats are not disturbed - make paths more accessible, improve park information and help develop its infrastructure. Our latest timetable is here (Insert link)
One-off events in the park:
We have so far enabled subsidised guided walks and a Nordic walking session, and there are lots of ideas for events and activities as the group develops and attracts funding. Please get in touch to add your own and offer support!
Stalls at community events:
We are trying to have a presence in the park at public events, depending on volunteer interest and availability. This has included Party in the Ponds and running craft activities at community events at the local Vassalls Centre.
Annual general meeting:
As a constituted community group we are required to hold an annual public meeting to account for our activities and set things up for the next year. The first of these, in April 2023, was very successful, attracting 50 people along to an interactive workshop to help generate ideas. You can check out notes of meetings on this page.
Friends of the Park is YOU! Nothing happens without volunteer interest and involvement. We’d love you to get involved in whatever way you want and are able to. Please contact us using the form or on social media, or turn up for one of the events!