Job done!

The wildflower meadow is planted


Well done to everyone who turned out on any of the several days the wildflower meadow site was prepared - mown, raked, dug, turned, raked again, scarified, and - finally! - sown and planted. There's the list of plants, at the top.

All ages, from toddlers to retired people, came along and joined in. The process was at times challenging, sometimes hard work, but a lot of fun was had along the way.

You might notice the area planted is a bit smaller than planned. That's due to the difficulty of getting past well-established grass roots with the turf-cutter, on ground that was rough and grass that was still a bit too long. The rest of the area is still marked out for a potential expansion next year, depending of course on funding.

Watch out over the coming months, then, as we cross our fingers and hope it's all robust enough to grow up through the remaining grass roots and create something beautiful and attractive to all the insect life and pollinators we want to encourage. Watch this space!